Haters Back Off is a Netflix original television comedy series based on the YouTube character Miranda Sings created by Colleen Ballinger. Its two seasons were released in October 2016 and 2017, respectively. The "surreal and absurd" series centers around the family life of Miranda Sings, a sheltered, self-absorbed, overconfident and untalented young performer who seeks fame on YouTube. The half-hour episodes depict Miranda's road to fame, and the price she pays for trampling on the feelings of others. The show stars Colleen Ballinger as Miranda, Angela Kinsey as her mother Bethany, Steve Little as her uncle Jim, Francesca Reale as her sister Emily, and Erik Stocklin as her best friend and love interest, Patrick. Season 2 added Matt Besser as Miranda's estranged father. Netflix described the show as "a bizarre family comedy, and a commentary on society today and our fascination with fame."
Genre | Comedy |
Created by | Colleen Ballinger, Chris Ballinger |
Developed by | Colleen Ballinger, Gigi McCreery, Perry Rein |
Starring | Colleen Ballinger, Angela Kinsey, Francesca Reale, Erik Stocklin, Steve Little |
Music by | Amotz Plessner |
Country of origin | United States |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 16 |
Executive producer(s) | Colleen Ballinger, Chris Ballinger, Kristen Zolner, Ted Biaselli, Brian Wright, Josh Barry, Jeff Kwatinetz, Gigi McCreery, Perry Rein |
Producer(s) | Arielle Bosivert, Shawn Williamson |
Location(s) | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
Running time | 30–35 minutes |
Production company(s) | McCreery-Rein, Brightlight Pictures, The Firm |
Original network | Netflix |
Netflix ID | 80095900 |
Acerca de Haters Back Off
This show follows the strange home life of Miranda Sings, a confident but untalented web star. The character originally debuted on Colleen Ballinger's YouTube channel.
Los logros de Haters Back Off
The show was developed by Colleen Ballinger and her brother, Chris Ballinger.
Información más reciente sobre Haters Back Off actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.