Jonah from Tonga is an Australian television sitcom that is written by and starring comedian Chris Lilley. The mockumentary series follows Jonah Takalua, a rebellious 14-year-old Australian boy of Tongan descent who had been introduced in Lilley's 2007 series Summer Heights High. At the conclusion of that series, Jonah was expelled from Summer Heights High School. In this series, his father, Rocky Takalua, has sent him back to his homeland of Tonga to live with his uncle and their family in order to get Jonah's life back on track. The six-part series was produced by Princess Pictures and Chris Lilley in conjunction with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and screened on ABC1 in Australia, HBO in America, and BBC Three in the UK. In New Zealand Māori Television screened the first episode on 29 July 2017, but then withdrew later episodes.
Genre | Sitcom, Mockumentary |
Created by | Chris Lilley |
Written by | Chris Lilley |
Directed by | Chris Lilley, Stuart McDonald |
Starring | Chris Lilley |
Theme music composer | Chris Lilley |
Composer(s) | John Foreman |
Country of origin | Australia, United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 6 |
Executive producer(s) | Laura Waters, Chris Lilley |
Producer(s) | Laura Waters, Chris Lilley |
Location(s) | The Grange P-12 College, Hoppers Crossing, Melbourne, Australia |
Cinematography | Nick Gregoric |
Editor(s) | Ian Carmichael |
Running time | 26–27 minutes |
Production company(s) | Princess Pictures, ABC, HBO |
Original network | ABC iview (online), ABC1 (television) |
Picture format | 576i (SDTV) |
Audio format | Stereo |
Preceded by | Ja'mie: Private School Girl |
Followed by | Lunatics |
Related shows | Summer Heights High |
Acerca de Jonah from Tonga
Mockumentary series following a rebellious 14-year-old Australian boy named Jonah Takalua who had previously been introduced in the 2007 series Summer Heights High.
Los logros de Jonah from Tonga
Chris Lilley stars as the title character, and would also serve as the show's creator, writer, director and theme music composer.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Jonah from Tonga
Australian television sitcoms.. Television shows set in Sydney.
Información más reciente sobre Jonah from Tonga actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.