Produce 101 is a reality television talent competition franchise created by South Korean entertainment conglomerate CJ E&M, based around the formation of a K-pop girl group or boy group. The format is noted for having no panel of judges, employing audience participation to make decisions, as well as for starting with a very large number of competitors, 101, narrowing that number down to the final 11. The franchise began in 2016 and has since expanded to other East Asian countries, China and Japan. The franchise has attracted a wide following in the world. More than 10 million people cast votes during the finale of Season 2 in 2017, equivalent to a fifth of South Korea's population. In 2018, the eight episodes of Produce 101 China attracted more than 4.3 billion views on Tencent Video. Following the Mnet vote manipulation investigation, on November 14, 2019, producer Ahn Joon-young partially admitted to rigging the votes of all seasons of Produce 101 during police questioning.

Acerca de Produce 101

Reality television talent competition franchise based around the formation of a K-pop girl group or boy group. The format is noted for having no panel of judges, employing audience participation to make decisions.

Los logros de Produce 101

The series was created by South Korean entertainment conglomerate CJ E&M. The success of the series has led to spin-offs in Japan and China. 

Principales datos que no sabías sobre Produce 101

Produce 101 Category.. Girls Planet 999, an Mnet survival show featuring female South Korean, Chinese and Japanese trainees.. Television series by CJ E&M.. South Korean reality television series.

Información más reciente sobre Produce 101 actualizada el 02 de Noviembre, 2022.