Renta congelada is a Mexican sitcom that premiered on Las Estrellas on August 31, 2017. Created and produced by Pedro Ortiz de Pinedo for Televisa. It stars Rodrigo Murray, Juan Diego Covarrubias, Regina Blandón, and Patricia Manterola. The series has been renewed for a third season, that premiered on September 3, 2020. The series revolves around the life of two couples totally opposed to each other, who by chance are forced to live under the same roof.
Genre | Sitcom |
Created by | Pedro Ortiz de Pinedo |
Written by | Óscar Ortiz de Pinedo Gutiérrez, José Sierra, César Ferrón, Magalli Urquieta |
Starring | Rodrigo Murray, Juan Diego Covarrubias, Regina Blandón, Patricia Manterola, José Eduardo Derbez, Adriana Montes de Oca |
Country of origin | Mexico |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 38 |
Executive producer(s) | Pedro Ortiz de Pinedo |
Producer(s) | Daniel Rendón |
Running time | 21–24 minutes |
Production company(s) | Televisa |
Distributor | Televisa International |
Original network | Las Estrellas |
Audio format | Stereophonic sound |
Acerca de Renta Congelada
Mexican sitcom about the life of two polar opposite couples who are forced to live under the same roof. It was created by Pedro Ortiz de Pinedo.
Los logros de Renta Congelada
In 2018, the show was a TVyNovelas Award nominee for Best Comedy Program. It is produced by Televisa.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Renta Congelada
Mexican television sitcoms.. Television series by Televisa.
Información más reciente sobre Renta Congelada actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.