Sin miedo a la verdad is a Mexican television series that premiered on 8 October 2018 on Las Estrellas. The series is produced by Rubén Galindo for Televisa and stars Alex Perea. The first season consists of 21 episodes. The series revolves around Manu, an urban hero, who has a vlog that he uses anonymously, under the pseudonym "Gus", with which he identifies himself to protect those who have been victims of various kinds of injustice. The series has been renewed for a fourth season.
Created by | Rubén Galindo, Marcelo Strupini |
Screenplay by | Celia Kim, Carolina Mata, Raúl Olivares, Itzel Lara |
Directed by | Carlos González, Silvia Tort, Jacopo Fontana, Julio César Estrada, Fez Noriega, Carlos Jaramillo |
Starring | Alex Perea |
Country of origin | Mexico |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 81 |
Executive producer(s) | Rubén Galindo |
Original network | Las Estrellas |
Picture format | HDTV 1080i |
Audio format | Stereophonic sound |
Acerca de Sin Miedo a la Verdad
A vlogger named Manu, known under the pseudonym of Gus in order to protect his identity, kills a corrupt police officer in order to save his sister and becomes a fugitive of the law.
Los logros de Sin Miedo a la Verdad
The Mexican series was created by Rubén Galindo and Marcelo Strupini. The show was a 2019 TVyNovelas Award nominee for Best Unit Program.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Sin Miedo a la Verdad
Mexican drama television series.. Television series by Televisa.
Información más reciente sobre Sin Miedo a la Verdad actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.