Southern Charm is an American reality television series that debuted on March 3, 2014 on Bravo. The series chronicles the personal and professional lives of seven socialites who reside in Charleston, South Carolina. The show focuses on the Southern culture and political history of the area, and has featured local historical places like Lewisfield Plantation and the Mikell House. The series originally focused on Craig Conover, Cameran Eubanks, Jenna King, Thomas Ravenel, Shep Rose, and Whitney Sudler-Smith. The series currently focuses on Conover, Rose, Kathryn Calhoun Dennis, Austen Kroll, Leva Bonaparte, Madison LeCroy, and John Pringle. Of the original cast, King left after the first season, Sudler-Smith departed after the third, Ravenel left after the fifth, and Eubanks confirmed her departure after season six. The remaining cast joined in later seasons; Calhoun Dennis in the second, Kroll in the fourth, and Bonaparte, LeCroy, and Pringle in the seventh.
Genre | Reality |
Created by | Bryan Kestner, Whitney Sudler-Smith |
Starring | Craig Conover, Cameran Eubanks, Jenna King, Thomas Ravenel, Shep Rose, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Kathryn Calhoun Dennis, Landon Clements, Austen Kroll, Chelsea Meissner, Naomie Olindo, Leva Bonaparte, Madison LeCroy, John Pringle |
Theme music composer | Mia Sable |
Opening theme | "It's Easy" |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 7 |
No. of episodes | 83 |
Executive producer(s) | Aaron Rothman, Irad Eyal, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Bryan Kestner, Jason Weinberg, Jessica Chesler |
Camera setup | Multiple |
Running time | 42 minutes |
Production company(s) | Haymaker Productions |
Original network | Bravo |
Picture format | NTSC 480i, HDTV 1080i |
Acerca de Southern Charm
Southern gentlemen and southern belles live the high life in Charleston, South Carolina. The show's popularity inspired the spin-offs Southern Charm Savannah and Southern Charm New Orleans.
Los logros de Southern Charm
Landon Clements left the show after four seasons. Austen Kroll was added to the final season.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Southern Charm
Television shows set in South Carolina.. Television shows set in Charleston, South Carolina.
Información más reciente sobre Southern Charm actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.