Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated magical girl television series created by Daron Nefcy and developed by Jordana Arkin and Dave Wasson, which aired on Disney Channel and Disney XD. It is the first Disney XD series created by a woman, and the third overall for Disney Television Animation. The series follows the adventures of Star Butterfly, the young turbulent heir to the royal throne in the dimension of Mewni, who is sent to Earth to mellow her reckless behavior. There she befriends and becomes roommates with human Marco Diaz and begins a semi-normal life in Echo Creek, attending school and meeting new friends. Throughout the first season, the two travel to exotic dimensions using dimensional scissors while preventing the Mewman monster Ludo from stealing Star's magic wand. As the series progresses, Star and Marco meet new friends, take on new enemies, and travel to even more weird and wild dimensions.
Genre | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magical girl |
Created by | Daron Nefcy |
Developed by | Jordana Arkin, Gibran Peña, Dave Wasson |
Creative director(s) | Dominic Bisignano (seasons 1-2) |
Voices of | Eden Sher, Adam McArthur, Alan Tudyk, Jenny Slate, Grey Griffin, Rider Strong, Abby Elliott, Esme Bianco, Artt Butler, Nia Vardalos |
Theme music composer | Brad Breeck (opening), Daron Nefcy (ending, seasons 1–4), Ego Plum (ending, seasons 1–2), Brian H. Kim (ending, seasons 3–4) |
Opening theme | "I'm from Another Dimension" performed by Brad Breeck |
Ending theme | "Star vs. the Forces of Evil End Theme" performed by Eden Sher (uncredited - seasons 1–2), "Shining Star" performed by Agnes Shin (seasons 3–4) |
Composer(s) | Brian H. Kim |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 77 (140 segments) |
Executive producer(s) | Daron Nefcy, Dave Wasson (co-executive, season 1), Jordana Arkin (co-executive, season 1) |
Producer(s) | Aaron Hammersley (supervising, seasons 2–4), Dominic Bisignano (supervising, seasons 2–4) |
Running time | 22 minutes (per 2 segments), 11 minutes per segment |
Production company(s) | Disney Television Animation |
Distributor | Disney–ABC Domestic Television |
Original network | Disney XD (2015–18), Disney Channel (2019) |
Acerca de Star vs. the Forces of Evil
An intergalactic warrior battles aliens while juggling her life in high school. The series was created by Daron Nefcy.
Los logros de Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Jon Heder and Michael C. Hall have both provided guest voices on the show. The show was heavily influenced by Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Television series by Disney Television Animation.. 2010s American animated television series.
Información más reciente sobre Star vs. the Forces of Evil actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.