The Ms. Pat Show is an American television sitcom created by Jordan E. Cooper and Patricia "Ms. Pat" Williams that is scheduled to air on the streaming service BET+ on August 12, 2021. The show is based on the comedy and life story of comedienne Ms. Pat as a convicted felon from the streets of Atlanta turned reluctant suburban mother.
Genre | Sitcom |
Created by | Jordan E. Cooper, Patricia "Ms. Pat" Williams |
Starring | Ms. Pat, J. Bernard Calloway, Tami Roman, Vince Swann, Briyana Guadalupe, Theodore John Barnes |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 10 |
Producer(s) | Jordan E. Cooper, Lee Daniels, Brian Grazer, Anthony Hill, Samie Kim Falvey, Jon Radler, Marc Velez, Pam Williams, Patricia Williams |
Location(s) | Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. |
Original network | BET+ |
Acerca de The Ms. Pat Show
Sitcom following the fictionalized family of Ms. Pat's family in their rapidly changing conservative town in Indiana. Ms. Pat is portrayed as hardheaded but loving and eager to succeed as a black woman in a suburban white neighborhood.
Los logros de The Ms. Pat Show
The show's debut episode received the title "Pilot: Duck." It is a BET+ streaming service exclusive.
Información más reciente sobre The Ms. Pat Show actualizada el 27 de Agosto, 2021.