Three's Company is an American sitcom television series that aired for eight seasons on ABC from March 15, 1977, to September 18, 1984. It is based on the British sitcom Man About the House. The story revolves around three single roommates: Janet Wood, Chrissy Snow, and Jack Tripper, who all platonically live together in a Santa Monica, California apartment complex owned by Stanley Roper and Helen Roper. After Norman Fell and Audra Lindley left the series in 1979 for their own sitcom, Don Knotts joined the cast as the roommates' new building manager, Ralph Furley. Following Somers's departure in late 1980, Jenilee Harrison joined the cast as Chrissy's first cousin Cindy Snow, who was soon replaced by Priscilla Barnes as Terri Alden. The show, a farce, chronicles the escapades and hijinks of the trio's constant misunderstandings, social lives, and financial struggles. A top ten hit from 1977 to 1983, the series has remained popular in syndication and through DVD releases.
Developed by | Don Nicholl, Michael Ross, Bernie West |
Directed by | Bill Hobin, Michael Ross, Dave Powers, Bob Priest |
Starring | John Ritter, Joyce DeWitt, Suzanne Somers, Norman Fell, Audra Lindley, Don Knotts, Richard Kline, Ann Wedgeworth, Jenilee Harrison, Priscilla Barnes |
Theme music composer | Joe Raposo |
Opening theme | "Come and Knock on Our Door", performed by Ray Charles & Julia Rinker |
Ending theme | "Come and Knock on Our Door" (instrumental) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 8 |
No. of episodes | 172 |
Executive producer(s) | Michael Ross, Bernie West (entire run), Don Nicholl (1977–81), Budd Grossman (1980–81), George Burditt (1981–84) |
Location(s) | Metromedia Square, Hollywood, California (1977, 1982–84), ABC Television Center, Hollywood, California (1977), CBS Television City, Hollywood, California (1977–82) |
Camera setup | Videotape, Multi-camera |
Running time | 25 minutes |
Production company(s) | NRW Productions, T.T.C. Productions, Inc. |
Distributor | D.L. Taffner Syndication Sales, (1982–1984), The Program Exchange, Fremantle (international) |
Original network | ABC |
Picture format | 480i (SDTV) |
Followed by | The Ropers, Three's a Crowd |
Related shows | Man About the House |
Acerca de Three's Company
Two-time Golden Globe winning series about one man and two women living in the same apartment. The show ran for eight seasons and aired a total of 172 episodes.
Los logros de Three's Company
Ann Wedgeworth joined the cast in season four. The show won one Emmy in 1984 for Outstanding Lead Actor - Comedy Series for John Ritter.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Three's Company
Three's Company Category.. Television shows set in Santa Monica, California.. Nielsen ratings winners.. American television series based on British television series.
Información más reciente sobre Three's Company actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.