Wolfblood is a British-German fantasy teen drama television series targeted at a young audience. Created by Debbie Moon, it is a co-production between CBBC and ZDF/ZDFE. The television series revolves around the life of the species known as wolfbloods. They are creatures that have enhanced senses and look like humans but can turn into wolves at will. Their transformation is uncontrolled during a full moon, and they are at their weakest during "the dark of the moon", at a new moon. The television series focuses on their daily life and the challenges that they face to hide their secret. Each series has new characters and concepts. The television series has won the Royal Television Society Award for the Children's Drama category in 2013. It also won the Banff Rockie Award in the category for 'Best Children's Programme' in the same year. In 2015 the television series won the British Screenwriters' Award in the category 'Best British Children's Television'.
Genre | Fantasy, Teen drama, Horror |
Created by | Debbie Moon |
Starring | Aimee Kelly, Bobby Lockwood, Kedar Williams-Stirling, Louisa Connolly-Burnham, Leona Vaughan, Louis Payne, Gabrielle Green, Jack Brett Anderson, Sydney Wade, Michelle Gayle, Rukku Nahar |
Theme music composer | Andy Price, Nick Holywell-Walker |
Opening theme | "A Promise That I Keep" by Lisa Knapp (series 1–3), "Running with the Wolves" by Aurora (series 4–5, Wolfblood Secrets) |
Ending theme | "A Promise That I Keep" (instrumental) (series 1–3), "Running with the Wolves" by Aurora (series 4–5, Wolfblood Secrets) |
Country of origin | United Kingdom, Germany |
Original language(s) | English, German |
No. of series | 5, Wolfblood Secrets |
No. of episodes | 73 |
Executive producer(s) | Gina Cronk, Spencer Campbell, Lis Steele, Lucy Martin |
Producer(s) | Foz Allan, Jonathan Wolfman |
Cinematography | Tony Coldwell, Richard Mahoney, Tim Pollard, Simon Bell, Andy McDonnell, James Moss |
Editor(s) | Matthew Tabern, Tim Marchant, Calum Ross, Tom White, Bjorn Johnson, John Parker, Belinda Cottrell, David Fisher, Lois Bygrave, Adam Masters, Agnieszka Liggett, David Stark |
Production company(s) | BBC, ZDFE |
Distributor | ZDF Enterprises |
Original network | CBBC |
Netflix ID | 70308733 |
Acerca de Wolfblood
Two teens try to balance their lives as humans and as creatures known as wolfbloods. The show was created by Debbie Moon.
Los logros de Wolfblood
The series was spun-off with a show called Wolfblood Uncovered. The show won its first British Academy Children's Award in 2013 in the category of Children's Performer for Bobby Lockwood.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Wolfblood
British fantasy television series.
Información más reciente sobre Wolfblood actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.