Street Fighter, commonly abbreviated as SF or スト, is a Japanese competitive fighting video game franchise developed and published by Capcom. The first game in the series was released in 1987, followed by five other main series games, various spin-offs and crossovers and numerous appearances in various other media. Its best-selling 1991 release Street Fighter II is credited with establishing many of the conventions of the one-on-one fighting genre. Street Fighter is one of the highest-grossing video game franchises of all time and serves as one of Capcom's flagship series with total sales of 46 million units worldwide as of March 31, 2021. It is also the highest-grossing media franchise of all time based on a fighting game at $12.2 billion.
Genres | Fighting game |
Developers | Capcom, Dimps (main series), Arika (Street Fighter EX series) |
Publishers | Capcom |
Creators | Takashi Nishiyama, Hiroshi Matsumoto |
First release | Street Fighter, August 30, 1987 |
Latest release | Street Fighter V: Champion Edition, February 15, 2020 |
Acerca de Street Fighter
Classic 1v1 fighter game featuring a range of characters with different, unique fighting styles.
Los logros de Street Fighter
A film based on the series, titled simply Street Fighter, was released in 1994, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Kylie Minogue.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Street Fighter
Street Fighter Category.. Capcom franchises.. Mythopoeia.. Video games set in the 21st century.. Video games set in the 1980s.. Video games adapted into films.. Video games set in Thailand.. Video games set in the 1990s.. Martial arts video games.. Video games adapted into comics.. Video games set in Hong Kong.. Video games set in Russia.. Video games set in China.. Video games set in the United Kingdom.. Superhero video games.. Versus fighting games.. Video games set in Japan.
Información más reciente sobre Street Fighter actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.