MasterChef is a competitive cooking show television format created by Franc Roddam, which originated with the UK version in July 1990. The format was revived and updated for the BBC in February 2005 by executive producers Roddam and John Silver with series producer Karen Ross. The revived format is sold internationally by Banijay. Its first international adaptation was MasterChef Australia, which began in 2009, and then the adaptation was executed within several other countries of the world.
Creator | Franc Roddam |
Original work | MasterChef (British TV series) |
Owner | Banijay |
Television series | MasterChef (independent international versions, see below and other versions) |
First aired | July 02, 1990 (original format), February 21, 2005 (revived format) |
Acerca de MasterChef
Based on a British series of the same name, this reality cooking show features amateur and home chefs whose culinary skills have been judged by Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, Joe Bastianich and others.
Los logros de MasterChef
It first premiered on Fox following an airing of another popular Gordon Ramsay show, Hell's Kitchen.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre MasterChef
MasterChef Category.. Junior MasterChef - Junior MasterChef is a British TV cookery competition, broadcast by the BBC, in which nine to twelve-year-olds compete to be crowned"Junior MasterChef". It is a spin-off from the main UK series of MasterChef. Junior MasterChef first ran from 1994 to 1999, presented by Loyd Grossman.. MasterChef: The Professionals - MasterChef: The Professionals is a BBC television competitive cooking show aired on BBC Two. It is a spin-off from the main MasterChef series, for professional working chefs. Introduced in 2008, Gregg Wallace and India Fisher reprised their roles as co-judge and voiceover respectively.. Plate of Origin - Plate of Origin is an Australian competitive cooking game show broadcast on the Seven Network. Celebrity chef Manu Feildel hosts the series alongside former MasterChef Australia judges chef Gary Mehigan and food critic Matt Preston.. Reality television series franchises.
Información más reciente sobre MasterChef actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.