Alone for Christmas is a 2013 comedy film created by the independent film group The Asylum. A "loose mockbuster" of hit film series Home Alone, the film is directed by Joseph J. Lawson, written by Nancy Leopardi. It stars David DeLuise, Kim Little and Davis Cleveland.
Réalisateur | Joseph J. Lawson |
Produced by | David Michael Latt, David Rimawi, Paul Bales |
Writer(s) | Nancy Leopardi |
Story by | Naomi L. Selfman |
Starring | David DeLuise, Kim Little, Davis Cleveland |
Distributed by | The Asylum |
Released | October 15, 2013 |
Running time | 97 minutes |
Language | English |
À propos de Alone for Christmas
A family leaves their dog home alone for the holidays. When robbers try to break into the home the good boy sets a variety of traps to fool the criminals. The film is a loose mockbuster of Home Alone.
Réalisation de Alone for Christmas
The movie was created by the independent film group known as The Asylum.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Alone for Christmas
Mockbuster films.. The Asylum films.. Films about dogs.
Dernières informations sur Alone for Christmas mis à jour le 23 Décembre, 2021.