"The Dark Phoenix Saga" is an extended X-Men storyline in the fictional Marvel Comics Universe, focusing on Jean Grey and the Phoenix Force. It was written by Chris Claremont with art by John Byrne. It is sometimes divided into two parts, with the "Phoenix Saga" referring to Grey's seeming assumption of the Phoenix power and the repair of the M'Kraan Crystal, and the "Dark Phoenix Saga" referring to her corruption and fall. It is one of the most well-known and heavily referenced stories in mainstream American superhero comics, and widely considered a classic. It was adapted for the X-Men animated series, and alluded to in the live-action movie X2: X-Men United. A third live-action movie, X-Men: The Last Stand, released in 2006, contains some elements from the saga. The animated series Wolverine and the X-Men adapted "the Dark Phoenix" saga at the end of its first season, though it changed many elements of the story.
Publisher | Marvel Comics |
Publication date | January– October 64px |
Genre | Superhero |
Title(s) | The X-Men #129–138 |
Main character(s) | X-Men, Hellfire Club, Lilandra, Shi'ar Imperial Guard, Phoenix Force |
Writer(s) | Chris Claremont, John Byrne |
Penciller(s) | John Byrne |
Inker(s) | Terry Austin |
Letterer(s) | Tom Orzechowski |
Colorist(s) | Glynis Wein |
Dark Phoenix Saga | ISBN 0-7851-2213-3 |
À propos de Dark Phoenix
Twelfth installment of the X-Men film series based on Chris Claremont and John Byrne's X-Men storyline extension called The Dark Phoenix Saga. It focuses on the character Jean Gray and the Phoenix Force.
Réalisation de Dark Phoenix
Hans Zimmer signed on to compose the music for the film even though he said in March of 2016 that he would not score another superhero film following his work on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Dark Phoenix
Comics adapted into films.. Comics by Chris Claremont.. Comics by John Byrne.
Dernières informations sur Dark Phoenix mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.