Grace image


7 November, 2009

À propos de Grace

A mother insists on carrying her baby to term after losing the child in in utero.  The baby miraculously returns to life, but has a craving for human blood.

Réalisation de Grace

A short film of the same name was made prior to the feature as a means to obtain funding. The film premiered in the US at Sundance Film Festival.

Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Grace

Grace in Christianity In Western Christian theology, grace is"the love and mercy given to us by God because God.... Grace (Jeff Buckley album) The first and only studio album by American singer-songwriter Jeff Buckley, released on August 23.... Grace (prayer) A short prayer or thankful phrase said before or after eating.

Dernières informations sur Grace mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.