PAW Patrol: The Movie is an upcoming Canadian computer-animated adventure-comedy film directed by Cal Brunker. It is based on the children's television series PAW Patrol, which was created by Keith Chapman and produced by Spin Master. The film follows the pups who are called to Adventure City to save it from the evil Mayor Humdinger before he destroys the bustling metropolis. The voice cast will include Kingsley Marshall, Keegan Hedley, Shayle Simons, Lilly Bartlam, and Ron Pardo reprising their respective PAW Patrol roles, while they will be joined by newcomers Iain Armitage, Marsai Martin, Yara Shahidi, Kim Kardashian, Randall Park, Dax Shepard, Jimmy Kimmel, and Will Brisbin in his first acting role. The film is currently scheduled for a theatrical release in the United States on August 20, 2021, by Paramount Pictures. It will also be available to stream on Paramount+ on the same day it releases in theaters at no additional cost to subscribers.
Réalisateur | Cal Brunker |
Produced by | Jennifer Dodge |
Screenplay by | Billy Frolick, Cal Brunker, Bob Barlen |
Story by | Billy Frolick |
Starring | Iain Armitage, Marsai Martin, Yara Shahidi, Kim Kardashian, Randall Park, Dax Shepard, Jimmy Kimmel, Will Brisbin |
Music | Heitor Pereira |
Distributed by | Paramount Pictures (International), Elevation Pictures (Canada) |
Released | August 20, 2021 |
Running time | 88 minutes |
Country | Canada |
Language | English |
À propos de PAW Patrol: The Movie
Computer animated feature film based off of the hit children's series PAW Patrol. Ryder and the pups head to Adventure City to prevent Mayor Humdinger from unleashing chaos upon the metropolis. The film was directed by Cal Brunker.
Réalisation de PAW Patrol: The Movie
Production of the film was accomplished by via telecommuting during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first teaser aired during the 2021 Kids' Choice Awards.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur PAW Patrol: The Movie
Nickelodeon animated films.. Nickelodeon Movies films.. Paramount Pictures animated films.. Animated films based on animated series.. Animated films about dogs.. Films based on television series.
Dernières informations sur PAW Patrol: The Movie mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.