Playmobil: The Movie is a 2019 English-language French computer-animated musical adventure comedy film based on the German building toy Playmobil. The film is directed and conceived by Disney veteran Lino DiSalvo, in his directorial debut, written by Blaise Hemingway, Greg Erb, and Jason Oremland, and produced by On Animation Studios. The film stars the voices of Anya Taylor-Joy, Jim Gaffigan, Gabriel Bateman, Adam Lambert, Kenan Thompson, Meghan Trainor and Daniel Radcliffe. The film follows a girl named Marla who tries to save her brother from a Playmobil world the two are sucked into and becomes involved in the midst of a population-capturing scheme by Emperor Maximus. Premiering as the opener of the June 2019 Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Playmobil: The Movie began theatrical runs in France on 7 August 2019 by Pathé.
Réalisateur | Lino DiSalvo |
Produced by | Aton Soumache, Dimitri Rassam, Moritz Borman, Alexis Vonarb |
Screenplay by | Blaise Hemingway, Greg Erb, Jason Oremland |
Story by | Lino DiSalvo |
Starring | Anya Taylor-Joy, Jim Gaffigan, Gabriel Bateman, Adam Lambert, Meghan Trainor, Daniel Radcliffe |
Music | Heitor Pereira |
Edited by | Maurissa Horwitz |
Production, company | Method Animation, ON Animation Studios, DMG Entertainment, Wild Bunch |
Distributed by | Pathé Distribution |
Released | June 10, 2019 (Annecy), August 7, 2019 (France) |
Running time | 99 minutes |
Country | France |
Language | English |
Budget | $72 million |
Box office | $16.3 million |
À propos de Playmobil: The Movie
English-language French movie based on the building toy Playmobil in which a young woman travels to the animated world in search of her missing younger brother. It is directed by Lino DiSalvo.
Réalisation de Playmobil: The Movie
The movie first premiered in France in August of 2019. It was distributed by Pathé in France, by StudioCanal UK in the UK and by STXfilms in the United States.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Playmobil: The Movie
Playmobil.. Films about toys.. STX Entertainment films.. French children's films.. Films based on toys.. Animated films about orphans.. StudioCanal films.. Pathé films.. Films with live action and animation.
Dernières informations sur Playmobil: The Movie mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.