Teen Wolf: The Movie is an upcoming American supernatural thriller teen drama film written and executive produced by Jeff Davis, and stars Tyler Posey as Scott McCall. The film is set to release on Paramount+ streaming platform in 2022. The film is based on a 2011 television series with a same name, which itself is loosely based on a 1985 film with a same name, and continues where the series had left off. The film will also serve as a starting point for the upcoming spin-off television series, Wolf Pack, based on a novel written by Edo van Belkom.
Writer(s) | Jeff Davis |
Starring | Tyler Posey, Holland Roden, Shelley Hennig, Crystal Reed, Tyler Hoechlin, Orny Adams, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne, Seth Gilliam, Colton Haynes, Ryan Kelley, Melissa Ponzio, Dylan Sprayberry, Khylin Rhambo, Ian Bohen |
Production, company | MTV Entertainment Studios, MGM Television, Orion Television |
Distributed by | Paramount+ |
Released | 2022 |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
À propos de Teen Wolf: The Movie
Supernatural thriller teen drama film that is based on the 2011 series Teen Wolf. The film picks up where the series left off and also serves as a starting point for the spin-off series Wolf Pack.
Réalisation de Teen Wolf: The Movie
The film is based on characters created by Jeff Davis. Filming of the series wrapped in May of 2022.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Teen Wolf: The Movie
Teen Wolf (2011 TV series).
Dernières informations sur Teen Wolf: The Movie mis à jour le 23 Juillet, 2022.