The Good Dinosaur is a 2015 American computer-animated adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film was Peter Sohn's directorial debut. It was written by Meg LeFauve from an original idea by Bob Peterson, and it stars Raymond Ochoa, Jack Bright, Steve Zahn, Sam Elliott, Anna Paquin, A. J. Buckley, Frances McDormand, and Jeffrey Wright. The film explores the alternate history where non-avian dinosaurs never became extinct, following a young, timid Apatosaurus named Arlo, who meets an unlikely human friend while traveling through a dangerous and mysterious landscape. In 2009, Peterson came up with the idea of exploring what dinosaurs represent in the present day. During its production, the team encountered various problems, which led to multiple story revisions, as well as changing directors and voice cast.
Réalisateur | Peter Sohn |
Produced by | Denise Ream |
Screenplay by | Meg LeFauve |
Story by | Peter Sohn, Erik Benson, Meg LeFauve, Kelsey Mann, Bob Peterson |
Starring | Raymond Ochoa, Jack Bright, Sam Elliott, Anna Paquin, A.J. Buckley, Steve Zahn, Jeffrey Wright, Frances McDormand |
Music | Mychael Danna, Jeff Danna |
Cinematography | Mahyar Abousaeedi (lighting), Sharon Calahan (camera) |
Edited by | Stephen Schaffer |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures |
Released | November 10, 2015 (Paris), November 25, 2015 (United States) |
Running time | 97 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $175–200 million |
Box office | $332.2 million |
Netflix ID | 80058069 |
À propos de The Good Dinosaur
Pixar film about the unlikely friendship between a dinosaur and a human. It received multiple Visual Effects Society Awards including Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature.
Réalisation de The Good Dinosaur
The film was released just a few months after Inside Out, making 2015 the first year in which Pixar released two features in the same calendar year.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur The Good Dinosaur
Partly Cloudy - Partly Cloudy is a Pixar CGI animated short film written and directed by Peter Sohn and produced by Kevin Reher. It was shown in theaters before Pixar's feature film Up and is a special feature on its DVD and Blu-ray release. It was included in the Animation Show of Shows in 2009.. Pixar animated films.. Fictional dinosaurs.. American alternate history films.. Animated coming-of-age films.. Animated buddy films.. American computer-animated films.. Annie Award winners.. American 3D films.. American adventure comedy films.. 2010s American animated films.. Walt Disney Pictures films.. American buddy films.. 2010s adventure films.
Dernières informations sur The Good Dinosaur mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.