The Railway Children Return is a 2022 family drama film directed by Morgan Matthews and written by Danny Brocklehurst. It is a sequel to the 1970 film The Railway Children, itself based on the E. Nesbit novel of the same name. The film stars Jenny Agutter, Sheridan Smith, Tom Courtenay and John Bradley. The Railway Children Return was released in the United Kingdom on 15 July 2022, by StudioCanal.
Réalisateur | Morgan Matthews |
Produced by | Jemma Rodgers |
Writer(s) | Danny Brocklehurst |
Starring | Jenny Agutter, Tom Courtenay, Sheridan Smith |
Music | Edward Farmer, Martin Phipps |
Cinematography | Kit Fraser |
Edited by | Rebecca Lloyd |
Distributed by | StudioCanal |
Released | July 15, 2022 |
Country | United Kingdom |
Language | English |
À propos de The Railway Children Return
Adventure-drama film that tells the story of a group of children who are evacuated to a Yorkshire village during WWII. During their travels they meet a young soldier who is also a long way from home. The film was directed by
Morgan Matthews.
Réalisation de The Railway Children Return
The movie is a sequel to the 1970 film The Railway Children which is based on Edith Nesbit's novel of the same name.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur The Railway Children Return
Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.. Films shot in Yorkshire.. Films set in Yorkshire.. Films based on children's books.. Rail transport films.
Dernières informations sur The Railway Children Return mis à jour le 20 Juillet, 2022.