White Frog is a 2012 American comedy-drama film directed by Quentin Lee and written by Fabienne Wen. The film's plot follows neglected 16-year-old Nick Young, played by Booboo Stewart, a teenager with autism spectrum disorder whose life is changed forever when tragedy strikes him and his family. The film also stars Harry Shum, Jr., B.D. Wong, Joan Chen, Gregg Sulkin, and Tyler Posey. White Frog premiered at the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival on March 8, 2012.
Réalisateur | Quentin Lee |
Produced by | David Henry Hwang, Kevin Iwashina, Ellie Wen, Christopher Lee, Joel Soisson |
Writer(s) | Fabienne Wen and Ellie Wen |
Starring | Booboo Stewart, Harry Shum, Jr, B.D. Wong, Joan Chen, Gregg Sulkin, Tyler Posey |
Music | David Choi, Booboo Stewart, MC Jin, Steven Pranoto |
Cinematography | Yasu Tanida |
Edited by | Matthew Rundell |
Production, company | Wentertainment Productions, Chris Lee Productions |
Released | March 8, 2012 (SFIAAFF) |
Running time | 93 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $1 million |
À propos de White Frog
Following the death of his older brother, 16-year-old Nick Young, a boy with Asperger's syndrome, is invited into his older brother's group of friends.
Réalisation de White Frog
The movie premiered at the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival in 2012. The movie was shot in Los Angeles and Santa Clarita, California.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur White Frog
Asian-American films.. Chinese-American films.. Films about autism.
Dernières informations sur White Frog mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.