Girlfriends is an American sitcom that premiered on September 11, 2000, on UPN and aired on UPN's successor network, The CW, before being cancelled in 2008. The final episode aired on February 11, 2008. When Girlfriends returned in fall 2007 for its eighth season, it became the longest-running live-action sitcom on network television that was on air during that time.
No. of episodes | 172 |
Created by | Mara Brock Akil |
Starring | Tracee Ellis Ross, Golden Brooks, Persia White, Jill Marie Jones, (2000–06), Cee Cee Michaela, (2000–02), Keesha Sharp, (2002–04, 2006–08), Reggie Hayes, Flex Alexander, (2000–01), Khalil Kain, (2001–08) |
À propos de Girlfriends
Four roommates, Toni, Maya, Lynn, and Joan grow mentally and spiritually as they try to balance their love lives, their work lives, and their friendship.
Réalisation de Girlfriends
Actress Tracee Ellis Ross is the only cast member to appear in every episode of the series. Tracee Ellis Ross received an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series category for her role as Joan Clayton back in 2009.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Girlfriends
American sex comedy television series.. Television series created by Mara Brock Akil.. UPN network shows.. The CW shows.. Black sitcoms.. Television shows set in Los Angeles.
Dernières informations sur Girlfriends mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.