Rock Island Mysteries is an Australian comedy television show for children and young teenagers, which premiered on 10 Shake on 2 May 2022 and Nickelodeon on the following day. It follows the adventures of 14-year-old Taylor and her friends who explore the secrets of the beautiful and mysterious Rock Island. Taylor is fascinated by her Uncle Charlie's disappearance and is determined to find out what happened to him, while the group tackle a new mystery in every episode.

Genre Comedy, Drama, Children's, Mystery
Created by Matthew Cooke, Vincent Lund, Michael Ford
Developed by Charly Valentine
Screenplay by Stephen Vagg
Directed by Tenika Smith, Evan Clarry, Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Starring Alexa Curtis, Noah Akhigbe, Inessa Tan, Ryan Yeates, Izellah Connelly
Theme music composer Michael Tan, Brett Creswell
Composer(s) Richard Pleasance, Amanda Brown, Michael Tan, Anthony Cormican, Ack Kinmonth, Wes Larsen
Country of origin Australia
Original language(s) English
No. of seasons 1
No. of episodes 20
Executive producer(s) Chris Oliver-Taylor, Warren Clarke, Chris Rose, Matthew Cooke, Vincent Lund, Michael Ford, Hugh Baldwin
Producer(s) Tim Powell, Jonah Klein
Camera setup Multi-camera
Running time 22 minutes
Production company(s) FremantleMedia Australia
Original network 10 Shake
Picture format SDTV 576i
Audio format Stereo

À propos de Rock Island Mysteries

Young adult comedy series that follows the adventures of 14-year-old Taylor and her friends who explore the secrets of the beautiful and mysterious Rock Island. The series was created by Matthew Cooke, Vincent Lund, and Michael Ford.

Réalisation de Rock Island Mysteries

The show's theme song was performed by Christina Castle. The first season consisted of 20 episodes.

Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur Rock Island Mysteries

Australian children's television series.

Dernières informations sur Rock Island Mysteries mis à jour le 19 Juillet, 2022.