The Backyardigans is a computer-animated musical children's TV series created by Janice Burgess. The series was written and recorded at Nickelodeon Animation Studio. It centers on five animal neighbors who imagine themselves on fantastic adventures in their backyard. Each episode is set to a different musical genre and features four songs, composed by Evan Lurie with lyrics by McPaul Smith. The Backyardigans' adventures span many different genres and settings. The show's writers took inspiration from action-adventure movies, and many episodes are parodies of movies. Nickelodeon called the show "a home-grown Nick Jr. property," as "the whole creative team... [had] been part of the Nick Jr. family for years." Creator Janice Burgess had worked as Nick Jr.'s production executive since the mid-1990s. The Backyardigans originated as a live-action pilot episode titled "Me and My Friends," filmed at Nickelodeon Studios Florida in 1998.
Genre | Adventure, Comedy, Musical |
Created by | Janice Burgess |
Directed by | Bill Giggie (season 1), Mike Shiell (seasons 1–2), Dave Palmer (seasons 3–4) |
Voices of | LaShawn Tináh Jefferies, Jake Goldberg, Christopher Grant, Jr, Gianna Bruzzese, Jonah Bobo |
Composer(s) | Evan Lurie |
Country of origin | United States, Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 80 |
Executive producer(s) | Janice Burgess, Robert Scull, Jonny Belt |
Running time | 21–23 minutes |
Production company(s) | Nickelodeon Animation Studio, Nickelodeon Studios Florida (pilot), Nick Digital (pilot), Nelvana |
Distributor | Nickelodeon and Viacom Consumer Products (internationally), Nelvana International (Canada) |
Original network | Nickelodeon (2004–11, US), Nick Jr. (2011–13, US), Treehouse TV (Canada) |
Netflix ID | 70177018 |
À propos de The Backyardigans
Five friends use their imaginations to embark on a series of adventures. The show ran for four seasons and aired a total of 80 episodes.
Réalisation de The Backyardigans
The show was based on an earlier pilot from 1998 called Me and My Friends. Four musical albums were released in conjunction with the show.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur The Backyardigans
Television series by Nelvana.. 2010s Canadian animated television series.. 2000s Canadian animated television series.. 2000s American animated television series.. 2010s American animated television series.
Dernières informations sur The Backyardigans mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.