The Inspector Lynley Mysteries is a British crime drama television series that aired on BBC One from 12 March 2001 to 1 June 2008, consisting of six series and 24 episodes. The protagonist, Detective Inspector Thomas "Tommy" Lynley, 8th Earl of Asherton, who is assigned to Scotland Yard, finds himself paired with Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers. In addition to the tensions involved in solving murder cases, the series is built on clashes of personality, gender and class: Lynley is a polished man and a peer of the realm, and Havers is an untidy woman from a working-class background. In August 2007, the BBC announced its intention to stop production of The Inspector Lynley Mysteries. Fans of the series mounted a campaign to save it, with a petition and by contacting the BBC, but to no avail.
Genre | Crime drama |
Created by | Elizabeth George |
Starring | Nathaniel Parker, Sharon Small, Lesley Vickerage, Catherine Russell, Paul Hickey, Shaun Parkes, Emma Fielding |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 6 |
No. of episodes | 24 |
Executive producer(s) | Ruth Baumgarten |
Producer(s) | Sally Haynes |
Running time | 90 minutes |
Original network | BBC One |
Picture format | 16:9 |
À propos de The Inspector Lynley Mysteries
Crime series centered around former Oxford student Inspector Thomas Lynley and his assistant Sergeant Barbara Havers.
Réalisation de The Inspector Lynley Mysteries
Henry Cavill is known for playing Clark Kent in Man of Steel.
Principaux faits que vous ne saviez pas sur The Inspector Lynley Mysteries
British crime drama television series.. Television shows set in London.
Dernières informations sur The Inspector Lynley Mysteries mis à jour le 28 Juillet, 2021.