A broadside is the side of a ship, the battery of cannon on one side of a warship; or their coordinated fire in naval warfare. From the 16th century until the early decades of the steamship, vessels had rows of guns set in each side of the hull. Firing all guns on one side of the ship became known as a "broadside". The cannons of 18th century men of war were accurate only at short range, and their penetrating power mediocre, entailing that the thick hulls of wooden ships could only be pierced at short ranges. These wooden ships sailed closer and closer towards each other until cannon fire would be effective. Each tried to be the first to fire a broadside, often giving one party a decisive headstart in the battle when it crippled the other ship.
Informazioni su Broadside
Named one of 100 Artists You Need To Know by Alternative Press in 2015. They were signed by Victory Records that same year.
Realizzazione di Broadside
They toured with Of Fortune and Fame, Old Again, and Battleghost during the first half of 2014.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Broadside
Barrage (artillery) - A barrage is massed artillery fire aimed at points, typically apart, along one or more lines that can be from a few hundred to several thousand yards long.. Salvo - A salvo is the simultaneous discharge of artillery or firearms including the firing of guns either to hit a target or to perform a salute. Troops armed with muzzleloaders required time in which to refill their arms with gunpowder and shot.. Fusillade - A fusillade is the simultaneous and continuous firing of a group of firearms on command. It stems from the French word fusil, meaning firearm, and fusiller meaning to shoot.. Volley fire - Volley fire, as a military tactic, is in its simplest form the concept of having soldiers shoot in turns. In practice, it often consists of having a line of soldiers all fire their weapons simultaneously at the enemy forces on command.. Salvo weapons.. Naval artillery.. Naval warfare.
Ultime informazioni su Broadside aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.