The revenge of the forty-seven rōnin, also known as the Akō incident or Akō vendetta, is an 18th-century historical event in Japan in which a band of rōnin avenged the death of their master. The incident has since become legendary. The story tells of a group of samurai who were left leaderless after their daimyō Asano Naganori was compelled to perform seppuku for assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka, whose title was Kōzuke no suke. After waiting and planning for a year, the rōnin avenged their master's honor by killing Kira. They were then obliged to commit seppuku for the crime of murder. This true story was popularized in Japanese culture as emblematic of the loyalty, sacrifice, persistence, and honor that people should display in their daily lives. The popularity of the tale grew during the Meiji era, during which Japan underwent rapid modernization, and the legend became entrenched within discourses of national heritage and identity.
Country | Japan |
Leader(s) | Ōishi Yoshio |
Foundation | 1701 |
Dates of operation | 1701 – December 14, 1702 (1702-12-14) |
Dissolved | 1702 |
Motives | To avenge the death of their master Asano Naganori |
Major actions | murder of Kira Yoshinaka |
Notable attacks | Akō incident |
Status | Disbanded and 46 sentenced to ritual suicide (seppuku) |
Size | 47 |
Headquarters | Akō Domain |
Informazioni su 47 Ronin
A fictionalized account of the 47 Ronin that avenged the death of their lord in the 1700s.
Realizzazione di 47 Ronin
The film was nominated for Best Production Design and Best Costumes at the Saturn Awards in 2014. The music was composed by Ilan Eshkeri.
Top fatti che non sapevi su 47 Ronin
Mass suicides.. Feuds.. Traditional stories.. Assassinations in Japan.. Japanese folklore.
Ultime informazioni su 47 Ronin aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.