Captain Underpants is an illustrated children's novel series by American author and illustrator Dav Pilkey. The series revolves around two fourth-graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, living in Piqua, Ohio, and Captain Underpants, an aptly named superhero from one of the boys' homemade comic books, who accidentally becomes real when George and Harold hypnotize their cruel, bossy, and ill-tempered principal, Mr. Krupp. From the third book onwards, Krupp also possesses superhuman strength, durability and flight as a result of drinking alien "Extra-Strength Super Power Juice". Currently, the series includes 12 books, two activity books, 11 spin-offs, and won a Kids' Choice Award on April 4, 2006. As of 2014, the series has been translated into more than 20 languages, with more than 80 million books sold worldwide, including over 50 million in the United States.
Author | Dav Pilkey |
Illustratore | Dav Pilkey |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Genre | Children's novel, toilet humour, Superhero fiction |
Publisher | Scholastic |
Published | September 1, 1997 – August 25, 2015 (main series), 2002 – present (spin-offs) |
Media type | Print (hardcover and paperback) |
Informazioni su Captain Underpants
Based on the book series of the same name, this film follows two pranksters who turn their principal into a silly superhero.
Realizzazione di Captain Underpants
The movie was released on the 20th anniversary of the book series. The film marks Dreamworks Animation's 31st adapted film.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Captain Underpants
Novels set in Ohio.. DreamWorks Classics.. Works by Dav Pilkey.. Obscenity controversies in literature.. American LGBT novels.. Novel series.. Series of children's books.
Ultime informazioni su Captain Underpants aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.