National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is a 1989 American Christmas comedy film directed by Jeremiah S. Chechik. It is the third installment in National Lampoon's Vacation film series, and was written by John Hughes, based on his short story in National Lampoon magazine, "Christmas '59". The film stars Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo and Randy Quaid, with Juliette Lewis and Johnny Galecki as the Griswold children Audrey and Rusty, respectively. Since its release, Christmas Vacation has often been labeled as a modern Christmas classic. It is widely regarded as the best sequel of the Vacation series, and is the only sequel to have its own direct sequel: a 2003 made-for-TV release titled National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie's Island Adventure. Christmas Vacation is the last theatrical Vacation film to carry the National Lampoon label and to feature a screenwriting credit from Hughes.
Informazioni su Christmas Vacation
The Griswold family's perfect Christmas plans go horribly awry due to unexpected visitors, explosions, and a pesky squirrel. Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo reprise their roles from the 1983 hit National Lampoon's Vacation.
Realizzazione di Christmas Vacation
The film is based on John Hughes' short story, Christmas 59. During filming, there was a minor earthquake.
Ultime informazioni su Christmas Vacation aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.