Diary of a Mad Black Woman is a 2005 romantic comedy-drama film written by Tyler Perry, which was inspired by the play of the same name. It is Perry's debut feature film, and the first entry in the Tyler Perry film franchise with this film also starring Kimberly Elise, Steve Harris, Shemar Moore, and Cecily Tyson. Directed by Darren Grant, the film was released in the US on February 25, 2005. It is the only Tyler Perry scripted film not directed by Tyler Perry. It was filmed almost entirely in Fairburn, Georgia. The sequel, Madea's Family Reunion, was released on February 24, 2006.
Director | Darren Grant |
Produced by | Reuben Cannon, Tyler Perry |
Screenplay by | Tyler Perry |
Starring | Kimberly Elise, Steve Harris, Shemar Moore, Cicely Tyson, Tyler Perry |
Music | Camara Kambon, Tyler Perry |
Cinematography | David Claessen |
Edited by | Terilyn A. Shropshire |
Production, company | Lions Gate Films, BET Pictures |
Distributed by | Lions Gate Films |
Released | February 25, 2005 |
Running time | 116 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $5.5 million |
Box office | $50.7 million |
Netflix ID | 70019511 |
Informazioni su Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Inspired by the play of the same name, the movie finds a woman who is surprised to discover that her husband plans to divorce her. The film is the first installment in the Medea series.
Realizzazione di Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Tyler Perry wrote and starred in the film.The movie is Tyler Perry's debut in a feature film.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Films directed by Darren Grant.. Films set in Georgia (U.S. state).. Films about lawyers.. Films shot in Atlanta.
Ultime informazioni su Diary of a Mad Black Woman aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.