House Blend image

House Blend

United States
1 May, 2002
House Blend

The House Blend Record is a hand item in Club Penguin. Members can buy it for 75 coins in the DJ3K Game Upgrades. You can play DJ3K with this item. This item will disappear because DJ3K will be replaced by SoundStudio.

Informazioni su House Blend

Short American television pilot film that first premiered in May 2002. It was directed by John Whitesell and written by Anne Flett-Giordano as well as Chuck Ranberg.

Realizzazione di House Blend

Actor Josh Hutcherson made his second professional film appearance during this movie. 

Top fatti che non sapevi su House Blend

DJ3K.. Pink Items.. Hand Items.

Ultime informazioni su House Blend aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.