The Grudge 3 is a 2009 American supernatural horror film and the third and final installment in The Grudge original trilogy. Toby Wilkins, who had previously directed the successful film Splinter and the short film series Tales from the Grudge, took Takashi Shimizu's place as director who later served as executive producer, while Brad Keene replaced Stephen Susco as screenwriter. The film stars Johanna Braddy, Gil McKinney, Emi Ikehata, Jadie Rose Robson, Beau Mirchoff and Shawnee Smith, with a special appearance by Matthew Knight. Aiko Horiuchi and Shimba Tsuchiya plays Kayako and Toshio in the film, with Takashi Matsuyama only reappearing as Takeo Saeki via archive footage. Unlike the previous American films that were both rated PG-13, The Grudge 3 was given an R rating because of its graphic bloody violence, gore and language. The film features a linear plotline unlike all of its predecessors, which used nonlinear sequences of events for their respective plots and subplots.
Director | Toby Wilkins |
Produced by | Andrew Pfeffer, Takashige Ichise |
Writer(s) | Brad Keene |
Starring | Johanna Braddy, Gil McKinney, Emi Ikehata, Jadie Rose Robson, Beau Mirchoff, Matthew Knight, Shawnee Smith |
Music | Sean McMahon |
Cinematography | Anton Bakarski |
Edited by | John Quinn |
Production, company | Ghost House Pictures, Stage 6 Films |
Distributed by | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment |
Released | May 12, 2009 |
Running time | 91 minutes |
Country | United States, Japan |
Language | English, Japanese |
Budget | $5 million |
Box office | $1.8 million |
Netflix ID | 70113517 |
Informazioni su The Grudge 3
A Japanese woman travels to the haunted Chicago apartment from The Grudge 2 to stop the curse of Kayako once and for all. Toby Wilkins took over directing duties from Takashi Shimizu who had directed the Japanese versions of the franchise as well as The Grudge and The Grudge 2.
Realizzazione di The Grudge 3
The movie was the first American version of the franchise to be rated R. A reboot of the American series would follow more than a decade later and would also be called The Grudge.
Top fatti che non sapevi su The Grudge 3
Stage 6 Films films.. Sony Pictures direct-to-video films.. American haunted house films.. Films shot in Bulgaria.. American ghost films.. Films set in Tokyo.. Films set in Chicago.. Direct-to-video sequel films.
Ultime informazioni su The Grudge 3 aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.