Informazioni su The Wolverine
In the 6th installment of the X-Men film franchise, Logan, AKA Wolverine, tries to protect a young woman in Japan while battling deadly samurai. It was followed by the 2017 film Logan.
Realizzazione di The Wolverine
The film received two People's Choice Award nominations and a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble.
Top fatti che non sapevi su The Wolverine
Wolverine The largest land-dwelling species of the family Mustelidae.. Wolverine (character) A fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, mostly in.... The Wolverine (film) A 2013 superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Wolverine.
Ultime informazioni su The Wolverine aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.