American Odyssey was an American action thriller television series which aired on NBC from April 5 to June 28, 2015. Created by Peter Horton, Adam Armus and Kay Foster, the series revolves around the discovery by a U.S. Army team on a secret mission in Mali, that a major U.S. company has been funding Islamist terror groups, and the subsequent cover-up of this revelation, which involves the attack and killing of the team of U.S. soldiers by private military contractors dispatched by the same company. The series stars Anna Friel, Peter Facinelli, Jake Robinson, Jim True-Frost, Treat Williams, Nate Mooney, Elena Kampouris, Daniella Pineda, Sadie Sink, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje and Omar Ghazaoui. It is envisioned by the creators as a modern-day take on Homer's Odyssey. On June 30, 2015, NBC cancelled the series after one season.
Genre | Drama, Thriller, Action |
Created by | Peter Horton, Adam Armus, Kay Foster |
Starring | Anna Friel, Peter Facinelli, Jake Robinson, Jim True-Frost, Treat Williams, Sadie Sink, Omar Ghazaoui, Nate Mooney, Elena Kampouris, Daniella Pineda, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje |
Composer(s) | John Debney |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 13 |
Executive producer(s) | Adam Armus, Henrik Bastin, Mikkel Bondesen, Kristen Campo, Nora Kay Foster, Peter Horton, Simon Maxwell, David Waco |
Producer(s) | Devin Rich, Peter McAleese |
Location(s) | New York, Morocco |
Cinematography | Balazs Bolygo, Stuart Dryburgh, Yaron Orbach |
Editor(s) | Scott Hill, Dan Zimmerman |
Running time | 45 minutes |
Production company(s) | Fabrik Entertainment, Universal Television, Red Arrow Entertainment Group |
Distributor | NBC Universal International Television |
Original network | NBC |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
Netflix ID | 80026032 |
Informazioni su American Odyssey
Action thriller series which revolves around a coverup, after a U.S. Army team on a mission in Mali uncovers a secret. The team learns that a major U.S. company has been funding Islamist terror groups.
Realizzazione di American Odyssey
The series was envisioned by the creators as a modern-day take on Homer's Odyssey.
Top fatti che non sapevi su American Odyssey
American action television series.
Ultime informazioni su American Odyssey aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.