Bigg Boss is an Indian reality television game show produced by Endemol Shine India through Viacom 18 and Star India. Subsequently, it was syndicated internationally and available through Voot and Disney+ Hotstar OTT platforms. It has been extended into seven languages spoken in the Indian sub-continent. It is the Indian version of the Dutch-British show Big Brother.

Television series Bigg Boss
Languages Hindi, Kannada, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam
Produced by Endemol Shine India
Based on Big Brother

Informazioni su Bigg Boss

Indian Hindi-language version of the reality show Big Brother. The show's success paved way for its expansion into other Indian languages, including Kannada and Bengali versions.

Realizzazione di Bigg Boss

Initially only celebrities were selected to be as housemates. In later seasons, members of the general public were chosen to take part.

Top fatti che non sapevi su Bigg Boss

Bigg Boss Category.. Indian reality television series.

Ultime informazioni su Bigg Boss aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.