Chica Vampiro is a Colombian teen telenovela produced by RCN Television. It is an original story written by Argentinian Marcela Citterio, whose work has included Amor en Custodia, Patito Feo, Braveheart, and Aurora, among others. It follows the adventures of the young vampire Daisy O'Brian, played by Greeicy Rendón. Throughout Latin America, the series is broadcast by Nickelodeon Latin America. According to KidScreen Magazine, as of February 2014, Chica Vampiro was the most viewed program among children and teens between the ages of 4 and 17 in Colombia. In September 2019, RCN Televisión announced that Chica Vampiro would be available on Netflix.
Genre | Telenovela |
Created by | Marcela Citterio |
Starring | Greeicy Rendón, Santiago Talledo, Eduardo Pérez, Lorena García |
Opening theme | "Chica Vampiro" by Greeicy Rendón |
Country of origin | Colombia |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 120 |
Executive producer(s) | Nelly Ordoñez |
Producer(s) | Stella Morales G |
Location(s) | Bogotá |
Running time | 42-45 minutes |
Distributor | Televideo Internacional |
Original network | RCN Television, Nickelodeon Latinoamérica |
Preceded by | 11-11: En mi cuadra nada cuadra |
Followed by | The Thundermans |
Informazioni su Chica Vampiro
A young girl has to juggle her life as a teenager with her life as a vampire. The series was created by Marcela Citterio.
Realizzazione di Chica Vampiro
Chiara Francia and Susana Posada have both guest starred on the show.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Chica Vampiro
RCN Televisión telenovelas.. Teen telenovelas.. Children's telenovelas.. Colombian telenovelas.
Ultime informazioni su Chica Vampiro aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.