Eyewitness image


11 January, 2018

Informazioni su Eyewitness

French mini-series in which two teenagers secretly meet up in the forest where they witness a blood bath.

Realizzazione di Eyewitness

The show is a remake of the 2014 Norwegian series of the same name. It was created by Jarl Emsell Larsen.

Top fatti che non sapevi su Eyewitness

Witness A witness is someone who has, who claims to have, or is thought, by someone with authority to.... Eyewitness memory A person's episodic memory for a crime or other dramatic event that he or she has witnessed.. Eyewitness (1981 film) A 1981 thriller film produced and directed by Peter Yates and written by Steve Tesich.

Ultime informazioni su Eyewitness aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.