The first season of the anthology black comedy–crime drama television series Fargo, premiered on April 15, 2014, on FX. Starring Billy Bob Thornton, Allison Tolman, Colin Hanks and Martin Freeman, the season consisted of ten episodes and concluded its initial airing on June 17, 2014. Set in January 2006, the season follows hitman Lorne Malvo who stops at a hospital in Bemidji, Minnesota following a car accident and influences local mild-mannered insurance salesman Lester Nygaard with his violent and deceptive ways. Their meeting sets forth a series of murders throughout the city. Meanwhile, Deputy Molly Solverson of Bemidji and Officer Gus Grimly of Duluth attempt to solve several crimes across the state that they believe may be linked to Malvo and Nygaard. Bob Odenkirk, Keith Carradine, Joey King, Glenn Howerton, Kate Walsh, Russell Harvard, Adam Goldberg, Oliver Platt, Keegan-Michael Key, and Jordan Peele all make recurring appearances.
Starring | Billy Bob Thornton, Allison Tolman, Colin Hanks, Martin Freeman |
Country of origin | United States |
No. of episodes | 10 |
Original network | FX |
Informazioni su Fargo (season 1)
Two-time Emmy Award-winning reimagining of the Coen Brothers film about a mild-mannered man who murders his wife.
Realizzazione di Fargo (season 1)
Won Best Miniseries or Television Film at the 72nd Golden Globe Awards. Filming took place in Calgary, Alberta.
Ultime informazioni su Fargo (season 1) aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.