Inspector George Gently is a British television crime drama series produced by Company Pictures for BBC One, set in the 1960s and loosely based on some of the Inspector Gently novels written by Alan Hunter. The series stars Martin Shaw as the eponymous Inspector and Lee Ingleby as Detective Sergeant John Bacchus, with Simon Hubbard and Lisa McGrillis in supporting roles as police constables in the fictitious North East Constabulary. The series moved the setting of the stories to North East England, centring on Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland and County Durham, as opposed to the Norfolk setting in the books. The death penalty is still in effect in Britain as the series begins, and it is used as a plot feature in some early episodes. The abolition of the death penalty in 1965 is noted in the series. The earliest episodes are set in 1964 with the eighth series taking place in 1970.
Genre | Crime drama |
Created by | Peter Flannery |
Written by | Peter Flannery |
Starring | Martin Shaw, Lee Ingleby, Simon Hubbard, Lisa McGrillis, Tom Hutch, Helen Coverdale |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 8 |
No. of episodes | 25 |
Executive producer(s) | Peter Flannery, Polly Hill, George Faber, Charles Pattinson |
Producer(s) | Matthew Bird, Peter Norris, Jake Lushington |
Location(s) | England |
Cinematography | Peter Robertson |
Running time | 90 minutes |
Production company(s) | Company Pictures |
Distributor | All3Media |
Original network | BBC One |
Picture format | 16:9 (HDTV) |
Audio format | Stereo |
Informazioni su Inspector George Gently
The eponymous seasoned inspector spends his days bringing to justice members of the criminal underworld with the help of DS John Bacchus
Realizzazione di Inspector George Gently
The show was loosely based on some of the Inspector Gently novels written by Alan Hunter. It lasted for eight series and twenty-five episodes.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Inspector George Gently
Television shows set in Tyne and Wear.. Television series set in the 1960s.. Television series by All3Media.
Ultime informazioni su Inspector George Gently aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.