La familia P. Luche is a Mexican family sitcom created by Eugenio Derbez. The series aired from August 7, 2002 to September 16, 2012 on the channel Canal de las Estrellas. It is a spin-off of a regular sketch on the XHDRBZ comedy-sketch program. In the series, the characters live in a fictional city called "Ciudad P. Luche" where clothes and other objects are wrapped in plush. The word P. Luche, is a pun to the word plush in Spanish: peluche. The show is similar in style to the American sitcom Married...With Children, in that it depicts a comically dysfunctional family. La familia P. Luche, however, plays more like a live-action cartoon, complete with colorful sets and comic sound effects. The sitcom won a TVyNovelas Award for "Best Comedy Program" in 2008.
Genre | Comedy |
Created by | Eugenio Derbez, Jessica Cabrera,Marco Lagarde, Ricardo Álvarez |
Developed by | Pepe Sierra, Gus Rodríguez |
Written by | David Hernandez, Pepe Sierra, Fran Hevia, Juan Carlos Garzón, Larissa Andrade, Enrique "Pointer" Gonzáles, Jesús Perrusquía, Alejandro Güemes, Marco Lagarde Jessica Cabrera |
Directed by | Eugenio Derbez, David Hernández |
Starring | Eugenio Derbez, Consuelo Duval, Luis Manuel Ávila, Regina Blandón, Miguel Pérez, Bárbara Torres, Brayan Gibrán Mateo |
Theme music composer | Aleks Syntek |
Opening theme | "La familia P. Luche" |
Country of origin | Mexico |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 80 |
Executive producer(s) | Eugenio Derbez |
Producer(s) | Elías Solorio Lara |
Running time | 30 minutes with commercials |
Production company(s) | Televisa |
Original network | Las Estrellas |
Picture format | Seasons 1, SDTV 4:3 480i 60fps, Season 2–3, SDTV 4:3 1080i 60fps |
Related shows | XHDRBZ |
Informazioni su La Familia P. Luche
This series chronicles the lives of a dysfunctional family in Peluche City. The show is a spin-off of the sketch program XHDRBZ.
Realizzazione di La Familia P. Luche
The show ran for three seasons and aired a total of 80 episodes. The series won a TVyNovelas Award for Best Comedy Program in 2008.
Top fatti che non sapevi su La Familia P. Luche
Mexican television sitcoms.. Television series by Televisa.. Television series about dysfunctional families.
Ultime informazioni su La Familia P. Luche aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.