Maid Sama! is a Japanese manga series by Hiro Fujiwara. It was serialized from 2005 to 2013 in Hakusensha's monthly shōjo magazine LaLa, and collected in 18 published volumes under the company's Hana to Yume Comics imprint. A 26-episode anime adaptation produced by J.C.Staff aired between April and September 2010.
Informazioni su Maid-Sama!
Student council president Misaki keeps her fellow students in line by day, while moonlighting as a waitress at a maid café by night. The anime series is an adaptation of Hiro Fujiwara's manga series of the same name.
Realizzazione di Maid-Sama!
The series ran for a total of 26 episodes with one feature-length movie. It was originally broadcast on Japan's Tokyo Broadcasting System.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Maid-Sama!
NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan.. Hakusensha manga.. J.C.Staff.. Tokyopop titles.. Romantic comedy anime and manga.. Sentai Filmworks.. Viz Media manga.. Shōjo manga.
Ultime informazioni su Maid-Sama! aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.