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Apple TV Plus
18 February, 2022

Informazioni su Severance

A middle manager oversees a group of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. The truth about their jobs becomes apparent after the appearance of a mysterious colleague outside of work. The series was created by Dan Erickson.

Realizzazione di Severance

The pilot episode "Good News About Hell" was directed by Ben Stiller. The first season consisted of nine episodes in total.

Top fatti che non sapevi su Severance

Severance package A severance package is pay and benefits that employees may be entitled to receive when they leave.... Joan Severance An American actress and former fashion model.. Severance (novel) A 2018 satirical science fiction novel by the Chinese-American author Ling Ma. It follows Candace...

Ultime informazioni su Severance aggiornate a 23 Febbraio 2022.