Teen Titans Go! is a comic book series that was published by DC Comics. It is based on the 2003 animated TV series Teen Titans, which is itself loosely based on the team that starred in the popular 1980s comic The New Teen Titans. The series was written by J. Torres with Todd Nauck and Larry Stucker as the regular illustrators. The series focuses on Robin, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg who are the main cast members of the TV series. Also, the show is circled around other characters from other DC comics.
Publisher | DC Comics |
Schedule | Monthly |
Format | Ongoing series |
Genre | Superhero |
Publication date | (Vol. 1): January 2004 – July 2008 |
Number of issues | 55 |
Main character(s) | Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg |
Writer(s) | J. Torres, Adam Beechen |
Artist(s) | Todd Nauck, Larry Stucker, Dave Bullock, Tim Smith, John McCrea, James Hodgkins, Erik Vedder, Rob Ross, Mike Norton, Sean Galloway, Khary Randolph, Scott Iwahashi, Francisco Herrera, Glen Murakami, Chynna Clugston, Johane Matte, Sanford Greene, Alex Serra, Fabio Laguna, Christine Norrie, Michael Change, Joe Quinones, Ethen Beavers |
Creator(s) | J. Torres, Todd Nauck |
Truth, Justice, Pizza! | ISBN 1-4012-0333-7 |
Informazioni su Teen Titans Go
DC Comics show about a group of teen superheroes and their adventures when they're not fighting crime. The series was a spin-off of DC Nation's New Teen Titans shorts.
Realizzazione di Teen Titans Go
In September 2017, Warner Bros. announced that it would be making a film adaptation of the show.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Teen Titans Go
Comics based on television series.
Ultime informazioni su Teen Titans Go aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.