The Cleveland Show is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Richard Appel, and Mike Henry for Fox. Serving as a spin-off of Family Guy, the series centered on the Browns and Tubbs, two dysfunctional families consisting of parents Cleveland Brown and Donna Tubbs and their children Cleveland Brown Jr., Roberta Tubbs, and Rallo Tubbs. Similar to Family Guy, it exhibited much of its humor in the form of cutaway gags that often lampoon American culture, though it uses significantly fewer than Family Guy. The series was conceived by MacFarlane in 2007 after developing the two animated series Family Guy and American Dad! for the Fox network. MacFarlane centered the show on Family Guy character Cleveland Brown, his new wife Donna Tubbs, his step-children Rallo and Roberta Tubbs, and his son Cleveland, Jr., who, in the show, is depicted as an obese, soft-spoken teen, as opposed to his depiction as a younger, hyperactive child with average body weight on Family Guy.
Genre | Animated sitcom |
Created by | Seth MacFarlane, Richard Appel, Mike Henry |
Voices of | Mike Henry, Sanaa Lathan, Kevin Michael Richardson, Reagan Gomez-Preston, Jason Sudeikis, Seth MacFarlane |
Theme music composer | Walter Murphy |
Composer(s) | Walter Murphy |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 4 |
No. of episodes | 88 |
Executive producer(s) | Seth MacFarlane, Richard Appel, Mike Henry |
Producer(s) | Kara Vallow, Courtney Lilly |
Editor(s) | Kirk Benson |
Camera setup | Animated rendition of single camera |
Running time | 21–22 minutes |
Production company(s) | Fox Television Animation, Persons Unknown Productions, Happy Jack Productions, Fuzzy Door Productions, 20th Century Fox Television |
Distributor | 20th Television |
Original network | Fox |
Picture format | HDTV 720p |
Audio format | Dolby Digital 5.1 |
Related shows | Family Guy, American Dad! |
Informazioni su The Cleveland Show
This show follows the life of Cleveland Brown as he raises his family. The show is a spin-off of Family Guy.
Realizzazione di The Cleveland Show
The show ran for four seasons and aired a total of 88 episodes. The series was nominated for one Emmy Award during its run for Outstanding Animated Program in 2011.
Top fatti che non sapevi su The Cleveland Show
The Cleveland Show Category.. Family Guy.. Television series by Fuzzy Door Productions.. Television series created by Seth MacFarlane.. Television shows set in Virginia.. Television series by 20th Century Fox Television.
Ultime informazioni su The Cleveland Show aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.