We Hunt Together is a British drama series created by Gaby Hull. The series stars Babou Ceesay, Eve Myles, Hermione Corfield and Dipo Ola. The series premiered on 27 May 2020 on Alibi.
Genre | Drama, Thriller, Crime |
Created by | Gaby Hull |
Starring | Babou Ceesay, Eve Myles, Hermione Corfield, Dipo Ola |
Composer(s) | Jon Opstad |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 6 |
Producer(s) | Lisa Osborne |
Cinematography | Oli Russell, Michael Wood |
Editor(s) | Helen Chapman, Steven Worsley |
Original network | Alibi |
Informazioni su We Hunt Together
A pair of police officers partner together to track down two vicious killers that are haunted by a dark past. The series was created for television by Gaby Hull.
Realizzazione di We Hunt Together
The series originally aired on the United Kingdom's Alibi network. Original music for the series was composed by Jon Opstad.
Ultime informazioni su We Hunt Together aggiornate a 21 Febbraio 2022.