Zero Chill is a British teen drama series that premiered on Netflix on 15 March 2021. The series is focused on the MacBentley family moving from their home in Canada to England for their son to join a hockey team. The series stars Grace Beedie, Dakota Benjamin Taylor, Jade Ma, Jeremias Amoore, Anastasia Chocholatá and Leonardo Fontes. Produced by Lime Pictures, Zero Chill was filmed in Sheffield, England.
Genre | Teen drama |
Created by | Kirstie Falkous, John Regier |
Written by | Adam Usden |
Directed by | Angelo Abela |
Starring | Grace Beedie, Dakota Benjamin Taylor, Jade Ma, Jeremias Amoore, Anastasia Chocholatá, Sam Stelzer |
Composer(s) | Vince Pope |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 1 |
No. of episodes | 10 |
Executive producer(s) | Angelo Abela, Tim Compton, Kate Little, Claire Poyser |
Producer(s) | Dominic MacDonald |
Location(s) | Sheffield, England |
Cinematography | Phil Wood |
Editor(s) | Dave Long |
Running time | 26–34 minutes |
Production company(s) | Lime Pictures |
Distributor | Netflix |
Original network | Netflix |
Netflix ID | 80996811 |
Informazioni su Zero Chill
A talented figure skater is forced to leave her passion behind as her family follows their hockey player son's ambitions. She and her family move from Canada to the UK so he can attend a prestigious academy.
Realizzazione di Zero Chill
Filming of the series took place in Sheffield, UK.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Zero Chill
Figure skating on television.. Youth culture in the United Kingdom.. Television shows set in the United Kingdom.. Television series by All3Media.. Television series about families.
Ultime informazioni su Zero Chill aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.