Studio C is an American sketch comedy television show created by Matt Meese and Jared Shores. Produced by BYUtv, the show aims to be clean, family-oriented comedy for a national audience. The show traces its roots to the Brigham Young University sketch comedy troupe Divine Comedy, which shares some cast members with Studio C. The show's name is a reference to the studio in the BYU Broadcasting Building where the show is primarily taped. As of November 2020, Studio C had a YouTube channel with over 2.49 million subscribers and more than 2.2 billion total views. Their channel features many skits from the show, along with a few YouTube exclusives. Studio C's most popular video is "Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling", which by the end of 2019 had over 70 million views on YouTube. Studio C posts new videos on YouTube every Tuesday and Friday.
Genre | Sketch Comedy |
Created by | Matt Meese, Jared Shores |
Opening theme | "I Want to Run" by Mates of State (since season 2) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 13 |
No. of episodes | 162 |
Executive producer(s) | Derek Marquis, Scott Swofford |
Producer(s) | Matt Meese, Luiz Malaman |
Location(s) | Provo, Utah |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 20–26 minutes |
Original network | BYU TV/KBYU-TV |
First shown in | March 3 2003 |
Informazioni su Studio C
Comedy troupe that originated out of Brigham Young University before bringing their sketches to YouTube. The roots of group are traced back to BYU's Divine Comedy troupe.
Realizzazione di Studio C
The top video on the channel for a long time was called "Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling." Members of the group announced that they would be joining a new digital family called JK! Studios in January 2019.
Top fatti che non sapevi su Studio C
YouTube channels.
Ultime informazioni su Studio C aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.