Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein is a surreal comedy mockumentary short film directed by Daniel Gray Longino, written by John Levenstein, and starring David Harbour, Alex Ozerov, Kate Berlant, Mary Woronov, Alfred Molina, Marion Van Cuyck and Heather Lawless. It was released on Netflix on July 16, 2019.
导演 | Daniel Gray Longino |
Produced by | Nathan Reinhart, Erin Owens |
Writer(s) | John Levenstein |
Starring | David Harbour, Alex Ozerov, Kate Berlant, Mary Woronov, Alfred Molina, Heather Lawless, Marion Van Cuyck |
Music | Michael Penn |
Cinematography | Carl Herse |
Edited by | Santiago Pedroza |
Production, companies | Levenstein Harbour Longino, A24 |
Distributed by | Netflix |
Released | July 16, 2019 |
Running time | 32 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Netflix ID | 81003981 |
关于Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein
Netflix short film in which star David Harbour dives into the history of his legendary acting family. It plays as a spoof of the 1966 televisions series Dark Shadows.
Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein的成就
The mockumentary film was directed by Daniel Gray Longino and written by John Levenstein.