Lady and the Tramp is a 1955 American animated musical romance film produced by Walt Disney and released by Buena Vista Film Distribution. The 15th Disney animated feature film, it was directed by Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, and Hamilton Luske, and features the voices of Barbara Luddy, Larry Roberts, Bill Thompson, Bill Baucom, Verna Felton, and Peggy Lee. Based on the 1945 Cosmopolitan magazine story "Happy Dan, The Cynical Dog" by Ward Greene, Lady and the Tramp tells the story of a female American Cocker Spaniel named Lady who lives with a refined, upper-middle-class family and a male stray mutt called Tramp. When the two dogs meet, they embark on many romantic adventures and fall in love. Lady and the Tramp was released to theaters on June 22, 1955, to box office success. It was the first animated film to be filmed in the CinemaScope widescreen film process., as well as Disney's first animated film to be distributed by their Buena Vista division.
导演 | Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske |
Produced by | Walt Disney |
Story by | Erdman Penner, Joe Rinaldi, Ralph Wright, Don DaGradi, Joe Grant |
Starring | Barbara Luddy, Larry Roberts, Bill Thompson, Dallas McKennon, Bill Baucom, Verna Felton, Peggy Lee |
Music | Oliver Wallace |
Edited by | Don Halliday |
Production, company | Walt Disney Productions |
Distributed by | Buena Vista Film Distribution |
Released | June 22, 1955 |
Running time | 76 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $4 million |
Box office | $187 million |
Netflix ID | 680728 |
关于Lady and the Tramp
CGI and live-action re-imagining of the classic Disney film of the same name that centers on the romance between an American cocker spaniel and downtown stray Schnauzer.
Lady and the Tramp的成就
The original 1955 animated movie was based on the Ward Greene's Cosmopolitan magazine story "Happy Dan, The Cynical Dog." The movie was the first remake of Disney's to not have a theatrical release. Instead, it streamed exclusively on Disney+.
您不知道Lady and the Tramp的热门事实
1955 in film - The year 1955 in film involved some significant events.. Films directed by Clyde Geronimi.. Films directed by Hamilton Luske.. Animated romance films.. Films directed by Wilfred Jackson.. Walt Disney Animation Studios films.. Rotoscoped films.. Animated films about dogs.. 1950s American animated films.. American romantic musical films.. Films set in the United States.. Walt Disney Pictures films.