Me and Earl and the Dying Girl image

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

12 June, 2015

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl is a 2012 debut novel written by Jesse Andrews. The novel was released in hardcover by Amulet Books on March 1, 2012, and in paperback on May 7, 2013.

Author Jesse Andrews
插画家 Jeffrey Lin
Published 2012
Publisher Abrams Books

关于Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Sundance Film Festival winner for U.S. Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic and the Audience Award for U.S. Drama which centers on Greg, a filmmaking high school student whose outlook on life is altered after befriending a classmate who has just been diagnosed with cancer.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl的成就

Thomas Mann and RJ Cyler both earned Teen Choice Award nominations for their performances. The film itself was nominated for Choice Summer Movie. 

您不知道Me and Earl and the Dying Girl的热门事实

Novels set in Pittsburgh.
